

Thanksgiving inheritance, innovation in the future

——To commemorate the establishment of Zhende Medical30years

Thirty years of time flow, thirty years of fire;

Hard work, hardships and hardships bearing fruit;

30 years of accumulated valuable experience is valuable spiritual wealth, positive response, initiative to change, and walk with The Times; Adhere to the main business, continue to change and innovate, all customer-centric, always adhere to the integrity of management, do not forget the original intention, strengthen the construction of talent supply chain, let the corporate culture land, gradually promote the international ability, improve the efficient operation and management of enterprises; Thirty and then start, a new journey, we work together, the future achievements, we share.

—Chairman Lu Jianguo




mgm集团线路医疗风华正茂 三十周年庆典回顾

  • Forge and forge ahead, forge the road to prosperity of Zhende:

    At the celebration, Chairman Lu Jianguo delivered a keynote speech titled "Grateful Inheritance, Innovative Future". Firstly, he reviewed the development of Zhende over the past thirty years. He stated that from 1994 to 2024, China and the world's manufacturing industry underwent earth shaking changes, and Zhende Medical was not only a witness and participant, but also a driving force behind it. Now, standing at a new starting point, Zhende Medical needs to keep up with the times, be pragmatic and innovative, focus on customer value, meet customer needs through professional and comprehensive solutions, always adhere to the concept of honest business, adhere to the original intention of ensuring medical safety and reducing medical costs, and practice credit and responsibility towards customers and society.

    Facing the second 30 years, all members of Zhende will continue to fulfill their social responsibilities, attach importance to brand building, continue to invest and acquire, implement external growth, explore new tracks, improve product portfolios, and continue to increase investment in innovation and research and development, promote the digital transformation of the enterprise ecosystem, and accelerate the construction of ESG systems. At the same time, they will firmly inherit Zhende's corporate culture and spirit, and tirelessly strive to achieve Zhende's great corporate vision of becoming the most reliable partner in the medical and health field!

  • Warm colleagues, Zhende always taking action:


    Since its establishment 30 years ago, Zhende Medical has always kept in mind its corporate social responsibility and continuously carried out public welfare activities. At the 30th anniversary celebration, Zhende Medical further promoted the development of public welfare and reached a cooperation with the Shanghai Butterfly Baby Care Center, jointly launching a public welfare project of "Touching Life, Warming Companions". This project not only provides substantial economic assistance and professional medical product support that meets the needs of EB patients, effectively reducing their medical cost pressure and living burden, but also aims to improve the public's awareness and attention to EB disease. Through educational activities and sharing patient stories, more people can understand the symptoms, treatment, and daily care knowledge of EB disease, and encourage all sectors of society to pay attention to and support this rare disease group.

  • Technology leads early layout to win the future:


    At the celebration, Zhende Medical and the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences signed a technical cooperation project agreement, which marks a new starting point. Technology drives development and innovation leads the future. Collaborate with top scientific research institutions to achieve high-level technological self-reliance and make new and greater contributions to serving the high-quality development of human health.

  • Embrace change and empower high-quality development:


    In this anniversary celebration, Zhende Medical specially invited industry experts to share topics on the medical device industry from multiple perspectives, providing high-quality interpretations of the Chinese medical device market, and discussing how private enterprises can break through in the tide. Zhende Medical expects to continuously explore practical paths for industry development with its partners, and further promote industry development.

  • Never forget the original intention, establish the foundation of moral development:


    At the celebration, the company commended the 30 year old employees who joined Zhende since its establishment, the 30 people who have made outstanding contributions in the company's 30 year development history, and the partners who have accompanied Zhende's growth over the past 30 years. We thanked them for the ups and downs they have gone through together with the company over the years, and thanked them for their outstanding contributions in the company's development.

    Dr., founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of L&R Group, an international client who has been cooperating with Zhende for many years Helmut Leuprecht traveled thousands of miles to the celebration site and brought his blessings. Zhende's partner, the People's Pharmacy, also shared the process of accompanying and growing together with Zhende during the cooperation process.

  • 30 years old in the future, full of youth:


    What actions will Zhende Medical take on the road of future struggle? At the end of the celebration, CEO Xu Dasheng released the development plan for Zhende. He stated that Zhende will continue to uphold the mission of "ensuring medical safety and reducing medical costs" and the brand ideal of "making a healthy life within reach", committed to creating outstanding value for customers, helping them succeed by providing innovative solutions, improving employee well-being, and making positive contributions to the sustainable development of the medical and health field. In the new era, Zhende Medical will continue to keep up with the times and explore the path of internationalization and specialization that suits its own development! In the future journey, we will continue to uphold our original aspiration, forge ahead, constantly innovate, and create a more brilliant future!

    At thirty, we will establish a new starting point, and at thirty, we will strive to start again! I believe that with the efforts and hard work of all Zhende people, and the support and assistance of our partners, the new starting point will steadily move forward and strive to live for another 30 years.

    A brand new journey, we work hand in hand to advance together; We will share our future achievements together. Dapeng rises with the wind one day, soaring up 90000 miles. I believe that the future of Zhende Medical will surely take it to the next level!

Looking forward to the next 30 years